NP2023_Persistent Identifiers – no longer termin[al/us]
Slides from “Persistent Identifiers – not just a termin[al/us]"
Over the course of their evolution, persistent identifiers (PIDs) have been primarily associated with static “research objects”, the most well-known being the DOI, Digital Object Identifier. Typically, these PIDs have been associated with the final output of the research process – such as a paper or report.
In this session we will look at 2 approaches and practices and how PIDs and the surrounding metadata and infrastructure might support them in their processes to give a richer capture of the whole research process across multiple disciplines and workflows.
We examine the sectional / component driven chaining of the Octopus publishing system and the narrative, declarative chronology of the RAiD PID and the arising infrastructure and policy implications.
In doing so, we will discuss whether the declarative, interconnected nature of the resulting informational fabric is the closest global system yet to that envisioned by the early hypertext pioneers, such as Vannevar Bush and then Ted Nelson and Doug Englebart.